1. 纳米功能材料的设计合成
2. 电池组装和测试
3. 必威app手机官方网站青年博士支持计划:功能材料的构筑和性能研究,2020.6-2023.6,主持,3万(在研)。
4. 国家青年基金:氮化硼纳米片的制备及其可调控磁性的研究,2016-2018,参与,19万,已结题。
5. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目:MST酶催化机理的理论研究,2020-2023,参与,10万,在研。
1.Peiqin Tang, Lu-Jiang Hao, Li-Ming Fan, Xin-Zheng Liu, Bin Li, Xiu-Tang Zhang*. Synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetic property of one 3D nickel coordination polymer based on 2-hydroxy-5-(3’,5’-terephthalic acid) pyridine and 1,4-bis(1-imdazoly)benzene,Chinese J. Struc. Chem.2015, 34(10), 1519-1524.
2.Peiqin Tang,Jingcheng Hao*, Macroporous Honeycomb Films of Surfactant-Encapsulated Polyoxometalates at Air/Water Interface and Their Electrochemical Properties,Adv. Colloid Interface Sci.2010,161(1-2), 163-170. (SCI)
3.Peiqin Tang,Jingcheng Hao*, Photoluminescent Honeycomb Films Templated by Microwater Droplets,Langmuir2010,26, 3843–3847. (SCI)
4.Peiqin Tang,Jingcheng Hao*, Directionally Electrodeposited Gold Nanoparticles into Honeycomb Macropores and their Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering,New J. Chem.2010,34, 1059–1062.(SCI)
5.Peiqin Tang,Jingcheng Hao*,Formation Mechanism and Morphology Modulation of Honeycomb Hybrid Films Made of Polyoxometalates/Surfactants at the Air/Water Interface,J. Colloid Interface Sci.2009,333, 1–5. (SCI,Feature Article)
6.Peiqin Tang,Xiangfeng Jia, Dawei Fan, Lili Wang, Jingcheng Hao*, Surface Charges of Hedgehog-Shaped Polyoxomolybdate Modified by a Cationic Surfactant and the Inorganic/Organic Complex,Colloids Surf., A2008,312, 18–23. (SCI)
7. Dawei Fan, Xiangfeng Jia,Peiqin Tang,Jingcheng Hao*,Tianbo Liu, Self-Patterning of Hydrophobic Materials into Highly Ordered Honeycomb Nanostructures at the Air/Water Interface,Angew Chem Int Ed2007,46, 3342-3345. (SCI)
8. X. Jia, D. Fan,P. Tang, J. Hao*, L. Ma, T. Liu. “Second Organized Structures” of Nanoscale Inorganic Polyoxomolybdate Compounds [J]. Acta. Phys. –Chim. Sin. 2006 22(10): 1300-1304. (SCI)
9. Xiangfeng Jia, Dawei Fan,Peiqin Tang,Jingcheng Hao*,Tianbo Liu, Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Quasi-Single Crystals of Wheel-Shaped {Mo154} Macro-anions and Cationic-surfactants,J. Clusters Sci.2006, 17, 467-478. (SCI)
Peiqin Tang,Jingcheng Hao, Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials Based on Nanopolyoxometalates and Surfactants,Nanostructured Biomaterials, Zhejiang University Press and Springer Press,2010, Chapter 3, P83–132.