刘光增,教授,曲阜师范大学硕士生导师,山东省“博士基金”获得者。2000年毕业于山东师范大学,获学士学位;2006年,毕业于山东大学,获博士学位。主要从事新能源材料化学的研究,近年来分别在Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Advanced Functional Materials、Nanoscale、Journal of Energy Chemistry等杂志发表多篇高水平的研究论文,现为Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Journal of Energy Chemistry等杂志审稿人。主讲物理化学、物理化学实验等课程,连续多年带队参加山东省大学生化学实验技能大赛。
1. 电化学
2. 新能源材料化学
1. Liu, G.*; Huang, M.; Zhang, Z.; Xi, B.; Li, H.; Xiong, S., Robust S-doped TiO2@N,S-codoped carbon nanotube arrays as free-binder anodes for efficient sodium storage. J Energy Chem 2021, 53, 175-184.
2. Liu, G. Z.; Zhang, Z. C. Y.; Tian, W. Z.; Chen, W. H.; Xi, B. J.; Li, H. B.; Feng, J. K.; Xiong, S. T., Ni12P5 nanoparticles bound on graphene sheets for advanced lithium-sulfur batteries. Nanoscale 2020, 12 (19), 10760-10770.
3. Ran, W. G.; Noh, H. M.; Park, S. H.; Lee, B. R.; Kim, J. H.; Jeong, J. H.; Shi, J. H.; Liu, G. Z., Simultaneous bifunctional application of solid-state lighting and ratiometric optical thermometer based on double perovskite LiLaMgWO6:Er3+ thermochromic phosphors. Rsc Adv 2019, 9 (13), 7189-7195.
4. Ran, W. G.; Noh, H. M.; Choi, B. C.; Park, S. H.; Kim, J. H.; Jeong, J. H.; Shi, J. S.; Liu, G. Z., Eu3+ doped (Li, Na, K) LaMgWO6 red emission phosphors: An example to rational design with theoretical and experimental investigation. J Alloy Compd 2019, 785, 651-659.
5. Zhang, X. T.; Chen, H. T.; Liu, G. Z.; Li, B.; Liu, X. Z., Assembly of one novel coordination polymer built from rigid tricarboxylate ligand and bis(imidazole) linker: Synthesis, structure, and fluorescence sensing property. Inorg Chem Commun 2018, 96, 139-144.
6. Zhang, X. T.; Chen, H. T.; Li, B.; Liu, G. Z.; Liu, X. Z., Assembly of a series of coordination polymers built from rigid a tetracarboxylate ligand and flexible bis(imidazole) linker: syntheses, structural diversities, luminescence sensing, and photocatalytic properties. Dalton T 2018, 47 (4), 1202-1213.
7. Ran, W. G.; Wang, L. L.; Liu, Q. Z.; Liu, G. Z.; Qu, D. A.; Pan, X. H.; Shi, J. S., Mn2+ doped CdAl2O4 phosphors with new structure and special fluorescence properties: experimental and theoretical analysis. Rsc Adv 2017, 7 (29), 17612-17619.
8. Liu, G. Z.; Chen, H. T.; Zhang, X. T., Syntheses, Crystal Structures, and Fluorescence Properties of Three Coordination Polymers Constructed Based on Benzoic Acid and Its Derivatives. Chinese J Struc Chem 2017, 36 (12), 2058-2066.
9. Zhang, X. T.; Fan, L. M.; Fan, W. L.; Li, B.; Liu, G. Z.; Liu, X. Z.; Zhao, X., Structural diversity, luminescence and photocatalytic properties of six coordination polymers based on designed bifunctional 2-(imidazol-1-yl) terephthalic acid. Crystengcomm 2016, 18 (36), 6914-6925.
10. Zhang, X. T.; Fan, L. M.; Fan, W. L.; Li, B.; Liu, G. Z.; Liu, X. Z.; Zhao, X., A Series of Lanthanide Coordination Polymers Based on Designed Bifunctional 1,4-Bis(imidazol-1-yl)terephthalic Acid Ligand: Structural Diversities, Luminescence, and Magnetic Properties. Cryst Growth Des 2016, 16 (7), 3993-4004.
11. Fan, L. M.; Gao, Y.; Liu, G. Z.; Fan, W. L.; Song, W. K.; Sun, L. M.; Zhao, X.; Zhang, X. T., Syntheses, structures, and magnetic properties of six coordination polymers based on 4,5-di(4 '-carboxylphenyl)phthalic acid and different bis(imidazole) bridging linkers. Crystengcomm 2014, 16 (33), 7649-7659.
12. Bai, J.; Li, X. G.; Liu, G. Z.; Qian, Y. T.; Xiong, S. L., Unusual Formation of ZnCo2O4 3D Hierarchical Twin Microspheres as a High-Rate and Ultralong-Life Lithium-Ion Battery Anode Material. Adv Funct Mater 2014, 24 (20), 3012-3020.
1. 必威app手机官方网站优秀党员,2021年.
2. 必威app手机官方网站最美教师,2020年.
3. 《结构化学》年度优秀论文,2019年,《结构化学》编辑部.
4. 必威app手机官方网站本科论文优秀指导教师,2019年.