1. 纳米材料的合成及表征
2. 纳米材料催化性能研究
1. 山东大学博士后资金2007-2008,2万元 主持
2. 山东省博士后创新项目专项资金资助2007-2008,2万元 主持
3. 山东省高等学校科技计划项目, 厅局级, J10LB53, 纳米复合材料的液相合成及性能研究, 2010-03至2014-10,0.6万元, 结题, 主持
4. 山东省自然科学基金,联合专项,ZR2014BL031,纳米材料辅助核酸适配体探针识别检测重金属离子,2014.12-2017.12,3万元,结题,参与
5. 山东省自然科学基金,青年基金,ZR2010BQ023,钼\钨多酸化合物的结构设计和基于离子诱导效应自组装合成,2010.11-2013.11,5万元,结题,参与
1. Liu XZ, Cui JH, Zhang LP, et al. Control to synthesize Bi2S3 nanowires by a simple inorganic-surfactant-assisted solvothermal NANOTECHNOLOGY 2005, 16, 1771-1775.
2. Liu XZ, Guo F Growth of Mesoscale Tubular CdS Crystals via a Hydrothermal Method
CHEMISTRY LETTERS 2004, 33 (10): 1284-1285.
3. Liu XZ, Cui JH, Zhang LP, et al. A solvothermal route to semiconductor ZnS micrometer hollow spheres with strong photoluminescence properties MATERIALS LETTERS, 2006, 60 (20), 2465-2469.
4. Wang L , Liu X , Yang M , et al. Electroless Plating of Nickel Nanoparticles on CdS Nanowires[J]. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft, 2009, 2009(7):897-902.
5. Liu Xin-Zheng FAN, Li-Ming SUN, Zhong ZHANG,等. Synthesis, Structure, and Luminescence of a, New Nickel(II) Coordination Polymer Based on 2,6-Bis(4'-carboxyphenyl)-4-phenylpyridine[J]. 结构化学, 2013(7):1062-1066.
6. Liu XZ , Chen H , Fan L , et al. Syntheses, Crystal Structures, and Luminescence Properties of Four Coordination Polymers Based on 1,3,5㏕ris (imidazoll)benzene[J]. Ztschrift für anorganische und allgemne Chemie, 2017, 643(2).